New name + Blog!

New name + Blog!

    So, in case you haven’t noticed, Daily PinitUp is now Ink for Thought!😄

Lately, I haven’t been posting frequently, as I was working on the blog’s name change and the whole blog’s change as well!

It’s been a while since I decided to change my blog’s name. I wanted something meaningful and something that would reflect my content. Mainly Books, followed by Environment, Travelling and –more rarely- DIYs! Well, Ink for thought sounded great!
It doesn’t limit my content, it is meaningful and catchy!😉

Books are, in fact, Ink for thought, a chance for positive thoughts, away from the world’s negativity. Thoughts are everything and everywhere and that’s what I like!

Lastly, I also thought that it was time to get more organized. So, I created program with the exact days that I’ll be posting

Have a look at it!

Monday: Book day (Book reviews, reading advices and blog posts about books and literature generally).

    Friday: Fridays’ specials! : Environment, Travelling, DIYS and –why not?- blogging. (I assume that the Fridays’ specials will be updated every two weeks, as it takes more time to create good content.

So, Ladies and gents I represent you the
 Ink for thought!!😁


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